Only works listed on this year’s syllabus will satisfy the syllabus requirement for the 2025 festival. MusicFest Canada provides adjudication scores for pieces on the syllabus. Canadian works on the syllabus will also satisfy the Canadian requirement (see below). Please be sure to review the complete rules and regulations at www.musicfest.ca before selecting your repertoire.
Since May 2016, every Concert Band participating in “The Nationals” has been required to play one composition by a Canadian composer. This may be from the Syllabus, or it may be one of the director’s choice. If it is one of the director’s choice, it should be at the same performance level (if the band plays in B300, the director’s Canadian choice should be at the B300 level). See “2024 CANADIAN CONCERT BAND LIST” for additional non-syllabus suggested Canadian concert band compositions.