Note to directors: This is not the syllabus – for the syllabus, click here.
This is a non-exhaustive list of Canadian works that could satisfy the Canadian requirement for the festival. If you are aware of other Canadian works that could be added to this list, please provide the necessary information to . This list was created to suggest a broader range of Canadian repertoire choices and expand the range of suggested, high quality wind band works from B100 to B600. Only works listed on this year’s actual syllabus will satisfy the syllabus requirement (such works are marked on this list with an asterisk, and will satisfy both requirements). MusicFest does not provide adjudication scores for pieces on this list unless they are also on the syllabus. Please be sure to review the complete rules and regulations at before selecting your repertoire. Many of the pieces below are published and sold by the composers themselves. Perusal scores, sample audio, and more information can be found on the composers’ websites or via the contact info provided.
Canadian works from the Required Repertoire list are marked with an Asterisk (*).
Class/Classe B600
*Banks of Newfoundland | Cable, Howard | Eighth Note | |
*Frenergy | Estacio, John, arr. Fraser Linklater | Hal Leonard | |
Greatness of the New Found Night, The (any movement) | Kulesha, Gary | Counterpoint Music | |
One Midsummer Morning (any three movements) | Healey, Derek | Canadian Music Centre | |
Pantomime | Mercure, Pierre | Counterpoint | |
Prairie Ride and Sunset | Estacio, John | Composer Website | |
Some Assembly Required (3rd movement only) | Kucharzyk, Henry | Canadian Music Centre | |
*Sonics | Coakley, Donald | Eighth Note | |
*Undercurrents | Buckley, Robert | HL/Musicworks | |
Class/Classe B500
Colour Wheel | Forsyth, Malcolm | Counterpoint | |
Fall Fair | Ridout, Godfrey, arr. Fralick | Canadian Music Centre | |
*Free Running | Buckley, Robert | Hal Leonard | |
*Genesis | Gassi, Vince | Alfred / Belwin | |
Lake Superior Suite (at least 3 movements) | Nishimura, Cait | Cait Nishimura | |
*Mouvement Frenetique | Dagenais, Jonathan | Alfred | |
Ontario Pictures | Cable, Howard | Northdale | |
Our Famous Five (3 of 7 movements) | Hendricks, R. Duane | e-mail | |
*Romantic Variations | Calvert, Morley | Counterpoint | |
Round Dance | Weinzweig, John | Canadian Music Centre | |
Scotch Cap Overture | Fortin, Michel | Machine-a-notes | |
*Skyline | Hammell, Evan | EKR Hammell | |
Sodbuster | Raum, Elizabeth | Canadian Music Centre | |
Stella | Dagenais, Jonathan | GAM | |
Suite of Miniature Dances | Applebaum, Louis | Northdale | |
*Under the Butterfly's Wings | Stetner, Lindsay | LES | |
Waves Towards the Pebbled Shore | Meechan, Peter | Peter Meechan | |
Class/Classe B400
Antiphonals | Coakley, Donald | BRS | |
*Autumn | Nishimura, Cait | Cait Nishimura | |
Barrie North Celebration, A | Jutras, Andre | Barnhouse | |
Canadian Folk Rhapsody, A | Coakley, Donald | Eighth Note | |
*Colours and Contrasts of Grief, The | Suchan, Paul | Eighth Note | |
Couchiching Suite | Herberman, John | Eighth Note | |
Fantasie | MacKay, Ron | Ronmac | |
*Fisher Who Died in His Bed, The | Herberman, John | Northdale | |
Foaming Sea | Buckley, Robert | HL/Musicworks | |
*From Chaos to the Birth of a Dancing Star | Bell, Allan Gordon | Canadian Music Centre | |
Hannaford Overture | Irvine, J. Scott | Northdale | |
Inversia | Jutras, Andre | Barnhouse | |
*ISS Flyover | Meechan, Peter | Peter Meechan | |
Jubilant Dialogue | Coakley, Donald | Eighth Note | |
Kanata Spring | Eastmond, David | C.L. Barnhouse | |
*Land of the Midnight Sun | Buckley, Robert | HL / Musicworks | |
Lonesome Scenes of Winter, The | Smallman, Jeff | Lighthouse | |
*Lyric Essay | Coakley, Donald | Eighth Note | |
*Mercury In Transit | Charke, Derek | Canadian Music Centre | |
Pacifica | Buckley, Robert | HL/Fentone | |
Perpetua | Meechan, Peter | Peter Meechan | |
*Rescue | Hammell, Evan | EKR Hammell | |
*Suite on Canadian Folk Songs | Calvert, Morley | Eighth Note | |
Swiftriver Passage | Suchan, Paul | Eighth Note | |
*Symbiopholie! | Dagenais, Jonathan | Eighth Note | |
Tabula Rasa | MacDonald, Don, arr. Mark Hopkins | | |
Toccata Festiva | Coakley, Donald | Eighth Note | |
Class/Classe B300
*Autumn Down a Maple Lane | Byman, Chris | Chris Byman | |
Beethoven Machine | Colgrass, Michael | Carl Fischer | |
Beyond the Horizon | Smallman, Jeff | Lighthouse | |
Bright Blue Water | Coakley, Donald | Eighth Note | |
Cascadia | Buckley, Robert | HL/Fentone | |
Celebration Folklorique | Jutras, Andre | C.L. Barnhouse | |
*Chasing Sunlight | Nishimura, Cait | Cait Nishimura | |
Feller from Fortune | Thomas, Bill | Eighth Note | |
Festive Occasion | Coakley, Donald | Eighth Note | |
Filum Vitae | Kristofferson, Kenley | Daehn | |
Flower City Festival | Eastmond, David | David Eastmond | |
Kingsmere Overture | Meeboer, Ryan | Eighth Note | |
Matters of Kindness | Kristofferson, Kenley | Grand Mesa | |
Meeting Place, The | Kristofferson, Kenley | C.L. Barnhouse | |
Moventa | Jutras, Andre | Barnhouse | |
Ned the Neck | Morlock, Jocelyn | Canadian Music Centre | |
*Old Churches | Colgrass, Michael | HL/Bandquest | |
*Pop! | Olson, Tawnie | HL/Bandquest | |
*Portrait of Terry Fox | Le, Quan | Music Direct/MMI | |
*Prairie Wedding | Kristofferson, Kenley | Barnhouse | |
*Prelude | Raum, Elizabeth | CMC | |
*Remembrance | Choi, Danny | D.I.D. Choi | |
Rocky Mountain Lullaby | Venter | or CMC | |
Song of the Tides (at least 2nd movement) | Charke, Derek | Canadian Music Centre | |
Thameside March | Calvert, Morley | Eighth Note | |
Three Folk Miniatures | Jutras, Andre | Barnhouse | |
Toledo | Carlson, Bruce | Canadian Music Centre | |
*Variations On A Rollicking Tune | Sirulnikoff, Jack | Counterpoint | |
*When The Sun Comes After Rain | Emery, Matthew, arr. Evan Hammell | EKR Hammell | |
Windjammer | Buckley, Robert | Hal Leonard | |
Wings | Gassi, Vince | Alfred | |
*Winter Sun | Macdonald, Don, arr. Sara Sulyma | Don Macdonald | |
Class/Classe B200
Ariana’s y la danza | Fortin, Andre | Machine-a-notes | |
Cape Breton Lullaby | Gassi, Vince | Alfred | |
Crystal River | Stetner, Lindsay | LES | |
*Donkey Riding | Coakley, Donald | Eighth Note | |
*French-Canadian Suite, A | MacLaughlin, Arnold | Bourne | |
*Hush | Thomas, Bill | Eighth Note | |
Into the Blue | Nishimura, Cait | Cait Nishimura | |
Jim | Mackay, Ron | | |
Marcha Pacifica | Fortin | Machine-a-notes | |
New Horizons | Court, Douglas | HL/Curnow | |
*Newfoundland Folk Song | Duff, Jim | Alfred | |
Petty Harbour Bait Skiff | Duff, Jim | Alfred | |
*Rider of the Mountain | Choi, Danny | Carl Fischer or D.I.D. Choi | |
*Spring March | Dagenais, Jonathan | Alfred | |
*Where Mountains Touch the Sky | Buckley, Robert | HL / Musicworks | |
Wings of Apollo | Gassi, Vince | Alfred | |
*Zenith | Meechan, Peter | Peter Meechan | |
Class/Classe B100
A La Claire Fontaine | Coakley, Donald | Eighth Note | |
As We Sleep | Meeboer, Ryan | Eighth Note | |
Awaken | Nishimura, Cait | Cait Nishimura | |
By The Clear Fountain | Meeboer, Ryan | Eighth Note | |
Cardassia | Dagenais, Jonathan | TRN | |
Castles and Crowns | Buckley, Robert | Hal Leonard | |
Crusade | Gassi, Vince | Alfred | |
*Early One Morning | Marlatt, David | Eighth Note | |
Echo Lake | Buckley, Robert | Hal Leonard | |
Expedition | Appleby, Brian | Apro | |
Gabrielle and her pony, Campanilla | Fortin, Michel | Machine-a-notes | |
Hero’s Procession, A | Meeboer, Ryan | Eighth Note | |
Innovation | Meeboer, Ryan | Eighth Note | |
*Little Bear's Lullaby | Neufeld, Matt | Eighth Note | |
Majestic Mountain | Marlatt, David | Eighth Note | |
Prelude and Celebration | Dagenais, Jonathan | Eighth Note | |
*Ready to Fly | Nishimura, Cait | Cait Nishimura | |
*Squonk Blues | Buckley, Robert | Hal Leonard | |