Dean McNeill

Dean McNeill

Dean McNeill has been contributing to the Canadian music scene in a variety of capacities for decades as an award-winning musician/educator and arts administrator. As Professor of Brass & Jazz for 25 years at the University of Saskatchewan (9 of which also serving as Head of the Music Department) Dean is the recipient of the UofS’s Dwaine Nelson Teaching Award, USASK Student’s Union Teaching Excellence Award, the Saskatchewan Jazz Festival’s Special Recognition Award, Saskatchewan Choral Federation’s Outstanding Administrator’s Award, and, the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal (Saskatchewan). Dean is honored to have shared the stage with the likes of Jon Ballantyne, Tommy Banks, David Braid, Dee Daniels, Phil Dwyer, Hugh Fraser, Mark Fewer, Guy Few, Wycliffe Gordon, Kelly Jefferson, Ingrid Jensen, Michael Kaeshammer, Alastair Kay, Bob Mintzer, PJ Perry, Maria Schneider, Denzal Sinclaire, and Brad Turner. Dean was a member of the Saskatoon Symphony for 23 seasons. He is currently the A.D. of the Saskatoon Jazz Orchestra which is in its 11th season. Dean has been involved in many interdisciplinary projects and CDs, most notably six USASK Jazz Ensemble ‘Bumper Crop’ CDs (as conductor), various Western Canadian Music Awards-nominated CDs (e.g. The Saskatchewan Suite: The Story of Us (performer), The Complete Rebirth Of The Cool (performer), and *O Music (performer)).*Won a Western Canadian Music Award for classical composition of the year. Dean attended MacEwan University (M.dip.), McGill University (B.Mus.Jazz), and the University of North Texas (M.Mus.Jazz). He continues to study privately with a variety of teachers/mentors.

Learn more about Dean at Dean McNeill

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